birthday party decorations
birthday party decorations
Shawn Williams Grad Party
@ Peach Mt Residence,Pottsville,Pa

Cool Dewd

Grad Party
Twice as Cool

Dancing in Sunshine

Letting it All Hang Out

Slowing it Down

Furure Star

Party Heating Up

Ryan's Debut,"Backstreet Boys Watch Out!!!"

Great Entertainer!!!

Feeling Real Good,"Don't ya Think???"

Party People

Congratulations to Shawn Williams
Mr & Mrs Williams family and friends.
Shawn graduated from SBI with a 4.0 average & will be working for an ISP.
This has been another fun-filled Williams Party with lots of
great beautifull people that know how to appreciate a good
time and certainly know how to create one.
Thankyou everyone for making me feel very welcomed at the Williams Homestead
and Good Luck to Shawn,Girlfriend,Mr & Mrs Williams and friends.
Dj Ray