Fake or Counterfeit I.D.'s are Illegal
Anyone attempting too use one will have it confiscated.
Violations will be immediately reported to the authorities.
You've been advised & you know who you are.
This is a serious offense!!!!
[All I.D. will be verified thur a State On-Line Network]
Metal Detector
PLCB regulations require that clubs with large crowds use a metal detector for all patrons prior to admittance.This change was effected shortly after the events of 9/11 and is now in effect at most major Nite clubs.This could also involve a quick visual check of purses.We apologize for this inconvenience.
All information presented on this site is for the sole purpose of Public Awareness/Entertainment Purposes & as a courtesy on behalf of Dj Ray Productions.Dj Ray Productions does not represent the Pine View Acres Nite Club.Dj Ray Productions bears no responsibility for any mis-interpretation of information on this site that could lead to patrons incurring bodily injury on or off the premises or leaving the club and being involved in an automobile accident or being arrested for driving under the influence.It is the patron's sole responsibility to comply with PLCB regulations regarding Drinking & Driving.
Dj Ray Productions bears no responsibility for pictures taken of patrons on Thursday Nites & posted on the Internet.Pictures are taken of patrons for Entertainment purpose and will not be used by Dj Ray Productions for personal use or for the purposes of financial gain.These pictures are taken with the understanding that permission has been granted by patrons in the pictures.Most group pictures will be reduced in size. There will no pictures of patrons slow dancing. Anyone not wanting their picture posted on the Internet should contact Dj Ray directly at the Live Wire Lounge and express your disapproval to Grant permission.If your picture has already been taken,it will be immediately deleted from the camera.
Music during Happy Hour 8pm-10pm will be 70s,80s,oldies,rock & country.Music from 10:30-1:30 will be a mix of
Hip Hop,Top-40,with some Techno,80s,Disco,Rock & Country.Most of the music after 10:30pm will be Hip Hop/Top-40.
No tolerance policy.
Anyone starting a fight meaning pushing,shoving or hitting another person will be barred for life papers being served from a District Magistrate along with your name being posted on the internet on the patrons barred list.Nudity will not be allowed.this is not legal under the PLCB regulations,you will either be reprimanded and or told to leave.Please keep hands off the ladies. Some of these girls are married,engaged or have boy friends.Interested girls will let you know.These are the finest & loveliest ladies in Eastern Pa,including Pottsville to Hazleton, and Tamaqua to Shamokin.Since you are all Gentlemen this should be an easy request.
Anyone being escorted out of the Pine View Acres for any incident,"other than hitting or threatening someone",still has the option of coming back on another day. Simply call Lisa Davis the owner and request it. She will review the facts.If you hit someone it's a life-time sentence without the possibility of parole.
Security Crew
Our Security crew is one of the best.
State & Local Police:
From time to time you may see police cars in the parking lot.They are here for your benefit and safety and not to harass you.They are a friendly reminder for you to drive carefully and needless to say,"Do Not Drive Drunk",since we will provide a ride home for you. If they follow you out of the parking lot turn around and come back to the club,we will give you a ride home.If you leave the club and are driving in an erratic manner or have a tail light or something not working then they have just cause for stopping you.Please treat these officers with the utmost respect.Remember they are only doing their job.However we do prefer that you ask us for a free ride home. Remember the bottom line is this:Driving under the influence is against the Law!!!!
Hair dressers Nite Out
Sone time in June
70s Disco Dress-up cash prizes etc.
Retro 80s
Madonna Look-a-like contest
College Nite
Beach Party
Bikini Contest
People wanting their picture removed from this site?
Indicate in comment form on bottom of page: date,the picture number counting
from top to bottom,with a brief description of the picture & yourself.
Your picture will be blotted out or removed completely.
All pictures from previous nites are still available
click on various links on bottom of page.
Feature Picture
Part 1
@Pine View Acres
Thursday 05/20/2004 was a typical Nite Out at Pine View Acres with a larger crowd and lots of dancing,drinking and partying.It was a fun filled nite.Some of the people here were:Shen-Do crew including,bad boyz from the Tap,Crazy 8's including Emma,Eleanor,Jack,plus Pottsville crew:Caryn,Marcie,Jen,Mookie & Corin,Jimmy Evans & Jason,Kathy from Minersville,,Ray's crew,Shirley from Deer Lake,,Kim from Frackville,Nate,Brett from Pottsville,Rocky,Kevin & Melissa,Katrina & Lourie from St Clair,Dana frommGiradville,& Kerie from Pt Carbon..
Free style rap done by a duo from Orwigsburg and Jimmy & Jason from Pottsville.Special thanks from Dj Ray,,Security Staff,Bar tenders,Parking Lot attendants and & PVA Staff,thank you all for a wonderfull evening @PVA and creating Eastern Pa's foremost Thursday Nite Dance Party.You guys are most definitely the Greatest!!!!