memory lane nite club
Hip Hop/Top 40 Dance Club Music
Neon Laser Light Show
Big Screen Videos


Memory Lane
Rt-61 across from Quality Hotel

No cover before 10:00pm

hip hop dance party mix eastern pa pottsville
Feature Picture
Part 1
April Fools Day
@Memory Lane

Congratulations to Marcie & Allen
30th wedding anniversary

hip hop dance party mix eastern pa pottsville

hip hop dance party mix eastern pa pottsville

hip hop dance party mix eastern pa pottsville

hip hop dance party mix eastern pa pottsville

hip hop dance party mix eastern pa pottsville

hip hop dance party mix eastern pa pottsville

hip hop dance party mix eastern pa pottsville

Friday Nite 04/01/2005 @Memory Lane in Pottsville,Pa was April Fools Day & the the first Friday Dance Party following Easter.It was our slowest nite since the Friday Nite Thunder Dance Party started on March/03/05 in sharp contract to to last week's Dance Party being the busiest with our largest crowd.However it was still a very good nite with people dancing most of the nite.Congraulations to Marcie & Allen celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary,and look luck to both of you.The age group was diversifed ranging from 21-45.Music consisted of 80% Hip Hop & Billboard Top40 club,+ new & older rock,80s & techno.

Hope to see you all next week. As always no cover before 10:00pm

Thanks gang for supporting the Friday Nite Thunder Dance Party @Memory Lane.

Directions for Memory Lane

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Schedule for Memory Lane

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