The Live Wire girls will be marketing & promoting this dance along with Dj Dan Helfer and family,all of which except for Dan & the "two younger ones",are employed by Walmart.These girls represent the new breed of girls sweeping the teen & adult club scence throughout the US.They love to get in front of an audience with the own dance routines with strutting movements that would even make Beyonce take a 2nd look along with some great original stuff on the mic.This is all being done without alcohol or drugs. To describe it in a few words they're high on life.These girls are stuck in those in-between years 18-20.Since they will be on the ground floor & will be a major part of promoting Teen Nite along with Dan Helfer and family they will all be given a life time free admission to the Live Wire by Dj Ray for both teen and adult dances when they are 21,"those dances featuring Dj Ray".Anyone wanting to become a Live Wire girl should contact Dj Ray
or thur the comment form at the bottom of page and include your name,age and email address. requirements are:Must be 18+ years of age,car and be willing dance in front of an audience on stage as well as promote the dance thur word of mouth,flyers,bumper and window stickers etc.