John Wall Dance Steps
raleigh be the city where we like to do the dance,
flex to left throw some money out ya hands,
we do it for the city, ya we do it for the fans
to ball like wall boy you gotta do the dance
everybody do the john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john
wall, john wall, john wall
Start final 4 count on 8th measure
CD-start 4
count at 21 sec
Part-1 is to Lyrics: [Raleigh be the city where we
like to do the dance]
Hands/arms do a 1/2 circle starting from hanging down swinging
counterclockwise up to left 4xs L R L R on the beat 1-2-3-4
Total=4 beats
Instructor will count Swing-Swing Swing Swing
Part-2 is to Lyrics: [Flex to left throw some money
out ya hands]
Clench right fist on and sway to left
Throw left hand to right & sway to right
Total=4 beats
Part-3 is to Lyrics: we do it for the city, ya we do
it for the fans
to ball like wall boy you
gotta do the dance
Both hands will be pointing up at 45 degree angle alternating to L
& R
Point to left on City which is last word of [We do it for the
city]=2 beats
Point to right on Fans,which is last word of [We do it for the
fans]=2 beats
Point to left on Wall,which is last word of [To ball like wall
boy]=2 beats
Point to right on Dance,which is last word of [you gotta do the
dance]=2 beats
Total=8 beats
Instructor will count Point to the Left-Point to the Right- Point
to the Left-Point to the Right
CD-start 4
count at 3:55
Part-4 is to Lyrics:[ everybody do the john wall,
john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall, john wall]
Starting position is right fist,"clenched" facing up
at shoulder height with palm facing to left
Turn head to right-turn vertical fist to right & bend knees on
the Lyric [John]=1 beat
Turn head and fist to starting position and straighten
knees on [Wall]=1 beat
Repeat 7 times