Book your Sweet 16th Birthday Party now.
We supply decorations,hats and leis.
birthday party decorations
Splash Party
Every Tuesday
@JFK Pool
Dj Ray Productions
Attendance 405+
Record crowd for this year.
PS:Next family nite is on Wed/July/21st/04
Free admittance for all
Teens must be accompanied by a parent
Two dances this week Tue is reg Teen Nite & Wed is family nite
This was one of the best nites this year with the largest crowds,"405+", which came quite early and stayed the entire evening.Age range was equally divided amongst Middle School and High School with Freshman & Sophomores being most prevalent.Pottsville High School is usually the dominant school with Blue Mt & Haven running a close 2nd & 3rd.It was another Great nite @JFK. Dances will continue until the end of August.Tonite Wednesday,21st is family nite. Get your parents out of the house and they can swim,party andf dance with their kids. It's free everyone included. All students must be accompanied by an adult. people.