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Part 4
Tuesday June/05/07 was the 1st dance of the summer of 2007 with a surprising attendance of 630+ in spite of the very cool temps and the possibilty of showers.There many students here for the 1st with lots of dancing and a good time for all.The pool is under new management with a new staff featuring many of last season's life guards.As usual there were students from almost every school in Schuylkill County.Special thanks to all the students for supporting a very successful 1st Splash Party Dance at the JFK Pool in Pottsville.We should all be grateful to Pottsville's City Hall for making this dance possible with considerations to Tom Palamar,
"City Administrator",
who is responsible for this dance along with Mary Quirk,"City Council Person",Ron Renninger,
"Recreation Direction",
Julie Rescorla,"City Clerk".
Attention Parents:
For your peace of mind your children are safe at JFK Pool Splash Party Dances.These dance feature 3-5 uniform policeman along with a large staff patroling the pool. These people are not in the office sitting around.
This dance is highly supervised by life guards,manager,assistant manager,JFK Staff,& 3-6 Policeman in uniform.There is no smoking allowed by anyone on the premises,there is an age limit which is 12th grade and the parking lot is watched after the dance is ended.Anyone congregating in the parking lot will be asked by the Police to leave.No one can leave the dance and return.Anyone passing items thru the fence may be asked to leave.Plus anyone with alcohol on their breath will be breath-a-lized and taken to City Hall.All parents are welcome to preview the dance while your child is here.In my opinion these students are well behaved and and as a parent/grandparent I can say,"these kids are the best"!!
Anytime there is lighting along with the showers,the dance will be immediately canceled due to the dangers of Lighting.Some of the students were waiting at 10:15pm and still had not been picked up by their parents.
PS: Students throwing thrash in the pool area. Do Not Do this!!!!!Use the Garbage Cans please. Plus you must wear a swim suit when entering the pool.