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JFK Splash Party
@JFK Pool
Every Tuesday 7-10pm
Dj Ray Productions
Attendance 330+
This was the 3rd Splash Party @JFK with the first being 06/10/2003 with an attendance of about 250. The 2nd splash party on 06/17/2003 had an attendance of 150+ in spite of the cold temps and heavy rains.Age group included Middle School & Pottsville & Navity High School. A survey of the audience revealed that PAHS Jrs were probably the dominant age group followed by Freshman and Middle School Students.Age limits on this dance are 5th thur 12th grade.This dance is made possible by Schuylkill County Drug and Alcohol Executive Commission & Nancy Schlitzer of the Pottsville City Council.All dances are supervised and policed.Smoking is not permitted on the premises and anyone that leaves the dance will not be allowed to re-enter during that dance..Highlights of the most recent dance featured the Cha Cha Slide and the Limbo.Future dances will feature the Limbo and Dance contests with cash prizes and pool passes. Admission fee is $2.00 for non season pass holders & $1.00 for season pass holders and includes swimming privileges.