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Part 2
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Part 3
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for same nite
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Part 4
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Part 5
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Part 6
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Part 7
Tuesday August/22/06 was the last dance of the summer with an all time record breaking crowd.This was the biggest crowd during the five years that the JFK Splash Party has been running.It was a pleasant cool evening which was perfect for a Splash party Dance,however there were endless power failures in spite of the fact that my audio system was running on 1 amplifier instead of 3 amps,no bass box,no light-show,a cross-over unit that blocked out all bass frequencies below 130 Herz,plus the amp could never be turned up more than 1/2.This problem was present all of last season-2005 + all of this season/2006.Needless to say the volume of the music was much too low for an area of this size not to mention such a loud crowd.As usual there were students from almost every school in Schuylkill County.There is a very strong intrest in Techno music which seems to be highly favored by the Blue Mt/Haven H.S. Districts.
DjRaY thankyou to all of you for another wonderfull season @JFK,with a special mention to the Pottsville Police Dept which has provided outstanding security for this very popular dance.Let us not forget the Lifeguards that constantly monitored the students safety in the water as well as helping out with the securty.Last but not least I thank the parents for allowing their kids to attend this dance.I can assure the parents that you kids are safe @JFK which provides the best security in Eastern Pa.
Once again Dj Ray thanks you all and hopefully to see you all next year.
Attention Parents:
Anytime there is lighting along with the showers ,the dance will be immediately canceled due to the dangers of Lighting.Some of the students were waiting at 10:15pm and still had not been picked up by their parents.
PS: Students throwing thrash in the pool area. Do Not Do this!!!!!Use the Garbage Cans please. Plus you must wear a swim suit when entering the pool.
PS:Parents:this dance is highly supervised by life guards,manager,assistant manager,JFK Staff,& Police.There is no smoking allowed by anyone on the premises,there is an age limit which is 12th grade and the parking lot is watched after the dance is ended.Anyone congregating in the parking lot will be asked by the Police to leave.