Book your Sweet 16th Birthday Party now.
We supply decorations,hats and leis.
birthday party decorations
Splash Party
@JFK Pool
Dj Ray Productions
Record Attendance 432
"all time"
Splash Parties @JFK started in 2002
Next Teen Nite is August/11th/Wednesday
due to the Yorkville Fire Co block party on Tuesday
Feature event will be 2nd round of dance contest with
Contestants making 1st round:
James Hanes/Chris Murphy/Alysa Eagan/Chantell Mills
Rebecca Rodriquez/Lisa Rodgers/Britney Brennen/Katie Spawford
Lauren Tooney/Shay Milliman/Kate Kelse/Marco Burgers
These 12 people will dance in the center along with
the remainder of the Splash Party to three different songs
and the four judges will select 6 finalists for next week's contest.
Judges are 2 Life Guards/Dj Suga/Dj Ray
Rounds 3 & 4 will include audience participation along with the 4 judges.
Verbally supporting the comtestants will influence the judges voting
Final decisions will be made by the four judges
Any of the contestants missing a week will be eliminated.
Cash prizes will be $100/$50/$50
1st/2nd/3rd places
plus T-shirts,"Dj Ray/Livewire Logo"
T-shirts and glow necklaces/glow sticks/Hawaiian Leis will be available for all patrons
during last Splash Patry which also decide the three dance contest winners
PS:Next family nite is on Wed/August/18th/04
Free admittance for all
Teens must be accompanied by a parent
Shen-Do girls.
Hello Candace & Jess,don't stay away so long.